Online Resources: Business

Google Tutorials

Google tutorials include tutorials for Googles free online suite of document creation tools that allow users users to create and edit documents online while collaborating with other users in real-time.

The links below will take you to that individual tutorial. Tutorials include:


Google Drive

Google Docs

Google Sheets

Google Forms

Google Slides

Google Photos

The “Use this Resource ” button will take you to a page with all of the tutorials.

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Linked In Learning for Libraries

Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. Get started with your library card.

There is a LinkedIn Learning app for iOs and for Android devices. It can be found in the app store by searching for LinkedIn Learning. If you want to use the app, you can sign in by entering the library code oh0117 and then entering your library barcode and PIN.

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Ohio Revised Code (ORC)

This website publishes the Revised Code without annotations. Sections that are repealed are removed from publication and the repeals are not noted. Sections that are renumbered are published under their new section number without noting the numbering change. This includes instances when a section number is changed by a legislative act itself, and instances when the LSC Director has codified or recodified a statute post-enactment under authority of R.C. 103.131.

This website does not account for court actions. Actions by a court to enjoin or invalidate a section are not noted.

When multiple acts of the General Assembly amend the same Revised Code section without referencing each other, LSC prepares a composite of the amended section harmonizing the various acts’ amendments if substantively possible. The harmonized versions are presented and noted on this website. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

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Small Business Source (Explora)

Small Business Source (Explora) provides up to date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The database contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books.

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Whether you’re a beginning investor or a veteran looking for high-impact ideas, Value Line can position you for financial success. With sophisticated tools and ranks to expert analysis and guidance, Value Line gives you the power to evaluate investments with confidence.

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