Birth, Marriage, Death records from North Carolina and West Virginia, and Cohabitation records from North Carolina; U.S. Federal Census records; Records of the Freedman’s Bank; Military Records including U.S. Colored Troops Service Records; Slaves and Free(d) Persons of Color registers from Louisiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvannia
A ‘Special Online Edition’ of the indispensable reference book Black Genesis: A Resource Book for African American Genealogy. Included as a fully searchable Adobe Acrobat PDF, the book identifies resources in every U.S. state, Canada, and the West Indies. As you explore the book, you can easily visit suggested Internet resources by clicking the corresponding link.
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Electronic books of American and English literature – poetry, drama, fiction, and the Bible – originally published in print – produced by ProQuest / Chadwyck-Healey. For more information, see the Basic Search and Advanced Search tutorial videos.
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CultureGrams® is your source for concise, reliable, and up-to-date cultural information on countries of the world. Beyond the facts and figures, find an insider’s perspective on the history, daily life, and customs. Also covers US states and Canadian provinces.
Watch the tutorial first, then try this CultureGrams Escape Room: Escape the Library! (with visual clues)
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Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research; articles, essays, and primary source documents to help students feel successful in their research; and reading level indicators (Lexile® Measures) to simplify discovery of grade-appropriate content.
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A complete range of citation and full-text reference content available from the EBSCO publishing company. Individual database services are also listed separately. This 3-min. Flash video provides instructions for basic searching.
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Discover your family history today through census maps, city directories, agricultural and industrial schedules, and more.
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The Home Improvement Source (Explora) is a full text database accessible via a custom EBSCO interface. It is intended for use in public and academic libraries and is designed to assist homeowners in do-it-yourself home repair, maintenance, and remodeling projects. Step-by-step instructions for thousands of projects in the areas of plumbing, outdoor, woodworking, electrical, and decorating are provided in high-quality PDF files. Additionally, thousands of articles from magazines and reference books provide tips and suggestions to supplement the step-by-step project instructions.
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With today’s overabundance of information, and misinformation, students and researchers alike can be overwhelmed in identifying what’s trustworthy, what’s up-to-date, and what’s accurate. Oxford University Press has invested in the Oxford Research Encyclopedias to meet this challenge. Working with international communities of scholars across all fields of study, we are developing new comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics.
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Essays on controversial subjects
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Historical Daily Cincinnati Enquirer and the New York Times (1851 – present), as well as many local and international papers and newspaper blogs. Great resource for news, history, and genealogy.
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Directory for residential and business contact information; excellent resource for small businesses, job seekers.
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Small Business Source (Explora) provides up to date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The database contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books.
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Ohio tree identification guide
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Ohio snake identification guide
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Identifying flint artifacts
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Information resources for pre-school through college. Click on the “Use this Resource” button to see everything at once or select the age-appropriate resource below.
World Book Early Learning (Pre-K) – Pre-readers play and discover visual worlds of information
World Book Kids (K-4th Grade) – Image-driven content for curious kids to explore
World Book Student (Grades 5th – 8th) – Foundational research tool for curriculum reinforcement
World Book Advanced (Grades 9th – 12th) – Expanded topics and world resources for advanced understanding
World Book Timelines (Grades 5 and up) – A highly visual representation of history
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (K – 5th Grade) – Spanish-language resource for kids
Banco do Contienidos aulaPlaneta (Grades 5 and up) – Advanced Spanish-language resource
L’Encyclopedie Decouverte (K – 5th Grade) – French-language resource for kids
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